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Home Projects Propping Emergency Propping Install To Stabilise Fire Damaged Structure – Epping

Stabilising a Fire Damaged Structure - Feature Image


In July 2021, a devastating fire broke out at a factory in Epping, significantly damaging the structure and compromising large structural steel members.

Shore Hire was brought in to secure the compromised building and stabilise the factory walls to ensure the safe progression of demolition work. Given the unknown internal conditions following the fire, we needed to ensure that all of the factory’s external walls were fully supported.


To accomplish this, we installed Aluminium and Steel Tilt Props to each panel around the perimeter of the building. These props were crucial in providing the necessary external support to prevent further collapse or damage to the factory.

Props supporting the inside of the factory


Working closely with the demolition contractor, Shore Hire ensured that the propping systems were strategically relocated as each section of the factory was cleared. This collaborative effort was essential to maintain the structural integrity of the remaining walls while demolition proceeded in stages.

Once access to the interior was possible, the extent of the cracking, damage, and fatigue to the panels became apparent. Our engineering team conducted thorough assessments to ensure the initial propping was sufficient. Their design and engineering solution proved effective, requiring no further alterations, and allowing demolition work to continue seamlessly.

This project presented significant challenges due to the extensive damage to the factory’s structural elements. Shore Hire’s expertise in structural support and methodical approach to stabilising the external walls ensured the safety and efficiency of the demolition process. 

This case serves as a testament to the critical role of specialised structural support services in ensuring the safe and effective progression of demolition works following catastrophic events.

Props supporting the inside of the factory


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