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Home Projects Propping Propping the Ceiling of an Indoor Swimming Pool Without Draining It – Merri-bek

Propping the Ceiling of an Indoor Swimming Pool - Feature Image


Shore Hire was contacted by the Brunswick City Baths complex after they identified structural damage and a snapped timber beam supporting the ceiling above its indoor thermal pool.

We needed to develop a solution that took into consideration the fact that the heated pool could not be drained without lowering the pool temperature gradually over days, which would have resulted in lengthy and costly delays for the customer.

Built in 1914, The Brunswick Baths complex is a Victorian Heritage Register-listed building of local historical and architectural significance. The Baths reflected the latest in swimming pool design and technology, and was once regarded as the finest complex of its type in Australia, so it was incredibly important to the customer and us that the project was completed without disturbing the existing internal structure.



Shore Hire worked with the local council to help deliver a concept and quick response plan to allow the facility to keep the majority of the complex open by using our Titan Props and SH 2000 Water Filled Barriers

Our aluminium Titan Props are lightweight, extremely strong, and are non-corrosive, guaranteeing that they would not contaminate the pool. Following the successful propping installation by our Victorian rigging and installation team, our Water Filled Barriers were placed around the pool to prevent public access and re-open the complex as soon as possible.

As a result of our solution, the customer was able to replace the snapped beam quickly, safely, and without having to completely close the complex while construction work was being completed. There would have been significant financial implications if the centre were to remain closed, with swim schools for people of all ages, school swimming, and general memberships likely to be turned away. 

Unique solutions such as this project showcase why Shore Hire are seen as the experts in temporary propping works, especially on heritage-listed structures. If you would like to learn how we can support your next project get in touch today.

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