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Home Projects Jack & Lifting Jacking a House by a Metre To Save on Flood Insurance – Murbko

Jacking a House by a Metre To Save on Flood Insurance – Feature Image


Shore Hire was contacted by a customer who needed to raise their Murbko home by one metre because it is located in a flood zone. 

While South Australia doesn’t often experience major flooding, there have been a number of historical flood events in recent years, and several regions are considered ‘known flood risk areas’. The most recent flood occurred between November 2022 and February 2023, and was the largest since 1956, as well as the third-highest flood ever recorded in South Australia. 

House jacking or raising is often done in flood-prone areas or areas that are classed as flood zones. Raising a house above the government-recommended flood level gives it ample space underneath to protect the house from possible floods, and can help residents in the area save on their flood insurance. 



The house was already on stumps/stilts and partially elevated off the ground, so Shore Hire’s first step to raising the house was building temporary supports, in the form of props, and placing our hydraulic jacks under the stumps to get ready for a controlled hydraulic lift of the house. Our hydraulic jacking team then raised the house safely and efficiently to its desired height, so it was 2.5 metres off the ground. 

A number of Titan Props, Scaffolding Tubes, GT Beams, Shore Prop 400s, and Acrow Props were used to support and secure the house while new permanent supporting beams were placed underneath.

The project was a great success for the customer, the house was able to be raised to the desired height, meaning that not only will the house be protected from possible floods, but the residents will be able to keep living in the same house without fear that their possessions could be damaged or destroyed. The customer also saved $40,000 on their annual flood insurance – if they didn’t raise their house, their insurance would have increased, along with everyone in their street. As we raised this house, several of the customer’s neighbours approached Shore Hire and engaged Shore Hire to do the same thing for their homes.

Shore Hire is nationally respected as the leader in hydraulic jacking projects, but it’s always a privilege to take part in residential projects like this to help Australians out across the country.

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